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Element epcis:TransactionEventType/parentID
Type: epcis:ParentIDType
Definition: (Optional) The identifier of the parent of the EPCs given in epcList. When the parent identifier is an EPC, this field shall contain the “pure identity” URI for the EPC as specified in the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards (TDS).
Example:  The use of the field name parentID in both TransactionEvent and AggregationEvent (Section 7.2.10) does not indicate a similarity in function or semantics. In general a TransactionEvent carries the same object identification information as an ObjectEvent, that is, a list of EPCs. All the non-EPC information fields (bizTransactionList, bizStep, bizLocation, etc) apply equally and uniformly to all EPCs specified, whether or not the EPCs are specified in just the epcList field or if the optional parentID field is also supplied.

The TransactionEvent provides a way to describe the association or disassociation of business transactions to specific EPCs. The parentID field in the TransactionEvent highlights a specific EPC or other identifier as the preferred or primary object but does not imply a physical relationship of any kind, nor is any kind of nesting or inheritance implied by the TransactionEvent itself. Only AggregationEvent instances describe actual parent-child relationships and nestable parent-child relationships. This can be seen by comparing the semantics of AggregationEvent with the semantics of TransactionEvent.
  Date Of Publication: 01.04.2008  
  Copyright © GS1 Germany 2008. All rights reserved Optimised for 1024 x 768 pixel