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Element epcisq:ImplementationException
Occurrence:  1 .. 1
Status:  M
Type: epcisq:ImplementationException
Definition: A generic exception thrown by the implementation for reasons that are implementation-specific. This exception contains one additional element: a
severity member whose values are either ERROR or SEVERE.

ERROR indicates that the EPCIS implementation is left in the same state it had before the
operation was attempted.

SEVERE indicates that the EPCIS implementation is left in an indeterminate state.
Description: ImplementationException may be thrown by the following method(s) of the EPCIS Query Control Interface:

- getQueryNames
- subscribe
- unsubscribe
- poll
- getSubscriptionIDs
- getStandardVersion
- getVendorVersion

An attempt to execute a standing query may result in a QueryTooLargeException or an ImplementationException being sent to a subscriber via the EPCIS Query Callback Interface instead of a normal query result. In this case, the QueryTooLargeException or ImplementationException shall include, in addition to the reason string, the query name and the subscriptionID as specified in the subscribe call that created the standing query.
  Date Of Publication: 01.04.2008  
  Copyright © GS1 Germany 2008. All rights reserved Optimised for 1024 x 768 pixel