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Element QuantityEvent
Occurrence:  0 .. unbounded
Status:  O
Type: epcis:QuantityEventType
Definition: A QuantityEvent captures an event that takes place with respect to a specified quantity of an object class. This Event Type may be used, for example, to report inventory levels of a product.

Note that because an EPCClass always denotes a specific packaging unit (e.g., a 12-item case), there is no need for an explicit “unit of measure” field. The unit of measure is always the object class denoted by epcClass as defined in Master Data for that object class.

Retrospective semantics:
• An event described by bizStep (and any other fields) took place with respect to quantity objects of EPC class epcClass at eventTime at location readPoint.
• (If a non-empty bizTransactionList is specified) This event took place within the context of the business transactions enumerated in bizTransactionList.

Prospective semantics: .
• (If disposition is specified) The business condition of the objects is as described by disposition.
• (If disposition is omitted) The business condition of the objects is unchanged.
• (If bizLocation is specified) The objects are at business location bizLocation.
• (If bizLocation is omitted) The business location of the objects is unknown.
Description: Quantity Event captures an event that takes place with respect to a specified quantity of object class.
  Date Of Publication: 01.04.2008  
  Copyright © GS1 Germany 2008. All rights reserved Optimised for 1024 x 768 pixel