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Element epcClass
Occurrence:  1 .. 1
Status:  M
Type: epcis:EPCClassType
Definition: EPCClass is a Vocabulary whose elements denote classes of trade items. EPCClass is a User Vocabulary as defined in the EPCIS Specification. Any EPC whose structure incorporates the concept of object class can be referenced as an EPCClass. The standards for SGTIN EPCs are elaborated below.

When a Vocabulary Element in EPCClass represents a class of SGTIN EPCs, it shall be a URI in the following form, as defined in the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards (TDS):


where CompanyPrefix is an EAN.UCC Company Prefix (including leading zeros) and ItemRefAndIndicator consists of the indicator digit of a GTIN followed by the digits of the item reference of a GTIN.

An EPCClass vocabulary element in this form denotes the class of objects whose EPCs are SGTINs (urn:epc:id:sgtin:…) having the same CompanyPrefix and ItemRefAndIndicator fields, and having any serial number whatsoever.

Master Data Attributes for the EPCClass vocabulary contain whatever master data is defined for the referenced objects independent of EPCIS (for example, product catalog data);definitions of these are outside the scope of this specification.
Description: The identifier specifying the object class to which the event pertains.
  Date Of Publication: 01.04.2008  
  Copyright © GS1 Germany 2008. All rights reserved Optimised for 1024 x 768 pixel