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Element bizStep
Occurrence:  0 .. 1
Status:  O
Type: epcis:BusinessStepIDType
Definition: BusinessStepID is a vocabulary whose elements denote steps in business processes.

The EPCIS Specification defines no Master Data Attributes for business step identifiers.
Example: An example is an identifier that denotes “shipping.”
The business step field of an event specifies the business context of an event: what business process step was taking place that caused the event to be captured? BusinessStepID is an example of a Standard Vocabulary as defined in the EPCIS Specification.

Using an extensible vocabulary for business step identifiers allows EPCglobal standards to define some common terms such as “shipping” or “receiving,” while allowing for industry groups and individual end-users to define their own terms. Master data provides additional information.
  Date Of Publication: 01.04.2008  
  Copyright © GS1 Germany 2008. All rights reserved Optimised for 1024 x 768 pixel