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Element schedule
Occurrence:  0 .. 1
Status:  O
Type: epcisq:QuerySchedule
Definition: (Optional)
Defines the periodic schedule on which the query is to be executed.

Exactly one of schedule or trigger is required.
If both are specified or both are omitted, the implementation shall raise a SubscriptionControlsException.
Example: The QuerySchedule, taken literally, specifies the exact timing of query execution down to the second. In practice, an implementation may not wish to or may not be able to honor that request precisely, but can honor the general intent. For example, a QuerySchedule may specify that a query be executed every hour on the hour, while an implementation may choose to execute the query every hour plus or minus five minutes from the top of the hour.

Example 1
     second = “0”
     minute = “0”
     all other fields omitted
This means “run the query once per hour, at the top of the hour.” If the reportIfEmpty argument to subscribe is false, then this does not necessarily cause a report to be sent each hour – a report would be sent within an hour of any new event data becoming available that matches the query.

Example 2
     second = “0”
     minute = “30”
     hour = “2”
     all other fields omitted
This means “run the query once per day, at 2:30 am.”

Example 3
     second = “0”
     minute = “0”
     dayOfWeek = “[1-5]”
This means “run the query once per hour at the top of the hour, but only on weekdays.”

Example 4
     hour = “2”
     all other fields omitted
This means “run the query once per second between 2:00:00 and 2:59:59 each day.”
This example illustrates that it usually not desirable to omit a field of finer granularity than the fields that are specified.
  Date Of Publication: 01.04.2008  
  Copyright © GS1 Germany 2008. All rights reserved Optimised for 1024 x 768 pixel