Definition: |
Parameter Name Parameter Value Type Meaning ________________________________________
List of String
If specified, the result will only include events whose type matches one of the types specified inthe parameter value. Each element of the parameter value may be one of the following strings: - ObjectEvent - AggregationEvent - QuantityEvent - TransactionEvent. An element of the parameter value may also be the name of an extension event type. If omitted, all event types will be considered for inclusion in the result. ________________________________________________________
If specified, only events with eventTime greater than or equal to the specified value will be included in the result. If omitted, events are included regardless of their eventTime (unless constrained by the LT_eventTime parameter). _________
If specified, only events with eventTime less than the specified value will be included in the result. If omitted, events are included regardless of their eventTime (unless constrained by the GE_eventTime parameter). _________
If provided, only events with recordTime greater than or equal to the specified value will be returned. The automatic limitation based on event record time may implicitly provide a constraint similar to this parameter. If omitted, events are included regardless of their recordTime, other than automatic limitation based on event record time. ______________
If provided, only events with recordTime less than the specified value will be returned. If omitted, events are included regardless of their recordTime (unless constrained by the GE_recordTime parameter or the automatic limitation based on event record time). _____________________________________________________
List of String
If specified, the result will only include events that (a) have an action field; and where (b) the value of the action field matches one of the specified values. The elements of the value of this parameter each must be one of the strings ADD, OBSERVE, or DELETE; if not, the implementation shall raise a QueryParameterException. If omitted, events are included regardless of their action field. _________________________________________________
List of String
If specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a non-null bizStep field; and where (b) the value of the bizStep field matches one of the specified values. If this parameter is omitted, events are returned regardless of the value of the bizStep field or whether the bizStep field exists at all. _______________________
List of String
Like the EQ_bizStep parameter, but for the disposition field. _______________________________________________
List of String
If specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a non-null readPoint field; and where (b) the value of the readPoint field matches one of the specified values. If this parameter and WD_readPoint are both omitted, events are returned regardless of the value of the readPoint field or whether the readPoint field exists at all.
List of String
If specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a non-null readPoint field; and where (b) the value of the readPoint field matches one of the specified values, or is a direct or indirect descendant of one of the specified values. The meaning of direct or indirect descendant is specified by master data, as described in Section 6.5. (WD is an abbreviation for with descendants.) If this parameter and EQ_readPoint are both omitted, events are returned regardless of the value of the readPoint field or whether the readPoint field exists at all. ______________________________________________
List of String
Like the EQ_readPoint parameter, but for the bizLocation field. __________________________________________________
List of String
Like the WD_readPoint parameter, but for the bizLocation field. __________________________________________________
List of String
This is not a single parameter, but a family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is specified, the result will only include events that (a) include a bizTransactionList; (b) where the business transaction list includes an entry whose type subfield is equal to type extracted from the name of this parameter; and (c) where the bizTransaction subfield of that entry is equal to one of the values specified in this parameter. _____________________________________________________
List of String
If this parameter is specified, the result will only include events that (a) have anepcList or a childEPCs field (that is, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, TransactionEvent or extension event types that extend one of those three); and where (b) one of the EPCs listed in the epcList or childEPCs field (depending on event type) matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs specified in this parameter. Each element of the parameter list may be a pure identity pattern as specified in the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards (TDS), or any other URI. If the element is a pure identity pattern, it is matched against event field values using the procedure for matching identity patterns specified in the TDS. If the element is any other URI, it is matched against event field values by testing string equality. If this parameter is omitted, events are included regardless of their epcList or childEPCs field or whether the epcList or childEPCs field exists. ____________________________
List of String
Like MATCH_epc, but applies to the parentID field of AggregationEvent, the parentID field of TransactionEvent, and extension event types that extend either AggregationEvent or TransactionEvent. Each element of the parameter list may be a pure identity pattern as specified in the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards (TDS) or any other URI. If the element is a pure identity pattern, it is matched against event field values using the procedure for matching identity patterns specified in the TDS. If the element is any other URI, it is matched against event field values by testing string equality. ____________________________________________________________
List of String
If this parameter is specified, the result will only include events that (a) have an epcList field, a childEPCs field, or a parentID field (that is, ObjectEvent, AggregationEvent, TransactionEvent or extension event types that extend one of those three); and where (b) the parentID field or one of the EPCs listed in the epcList or childEPCs field (depending on event type) matches one of the EPC patterns or URIs specified in this parameter. Each element of the parameter list may be a pure identity pattern as specified in the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards (TDS), or any other URI. If the element is a pure identity pattern, it is matched against event field values using the procedure for matching identity patterns specified in the TDS. If the element is any other URI, it is matched against event field values by testing string equality. __________________________________________________________________________________
List of String
Like MATCH_epc, but applies to the epcClass field of QuantityEvents or extension event types that extend QuantityEvent. The definition of a match for the purposes of this query parameter is as follows. Let P be one of the patterns specified in the value for this parameter, and let C be the value of the epcClass field of a QuantityEvent being considered for inclusion in the result. Then the QuantityEvent is included if each component Pi of P matches the corresponding component Ci of C, where matches is as defined in the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards (TDS). Explanation (non-normative): The difference between MATCH_epcClass and MATCH_epc is that for MATCH_epcClass the value in the event (the epcClass field of the QuantityEvent) may itself be a pattern. This means that the value in the event may contain a * component. The specification says that a * in the QuantityEvent is only matched by a * in the query parameter. For example, if the epcClass field of a QuantityEvent is urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:0614141.112345.*, then this event would be matched by the query parameter urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:0614141.*.* or by urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:0614141.112345.*, but not by urn:epc:idpat:sgtin:0614141.112345.400. __________________________________
If this parameter is specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a quantity field (that is, QuantityEvents or extension event type that extend QuantityEvent); and where (b) the quantity field is equal to the specified parameter. __________________________
Like EQ_quantity, but includes events whose quantity field is greater than the specified parameter. _______________________________________________________________________________
Like EQ_quantity, but includes events whose quantity field is greater than or equal to the specified parameter. ________
Like EQ_quantity, but includes events whose quantity field is less than the specified parameter. ____________________________________________________________________________
Like EQ_quantity, but includes events whose quantity field is less than or equal to the specified parameter. ________
List of String
This is not a single parameter, but a family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a field named fieldname whose type is either String or a vocabulary type; and where (b) the value of that field matches one of the values specified in this parameter. Fieldname is the fully qualified name of an extension field. The name of an extension field is an XML qname; that is, a pair consisting of an XML namespace URI and a name. The name of the corresponding query parameter is constructed by concatenating the following: the string EQ_, the namespace URI for the extension field, a pound sign (#), and the name of the extension field. ___________________________________________________________
Int Float Time
Like EQ_fieldname as described above, but may be applied to a field of type Int, Float, or Time. The result will include events that (a) have a field named fieldname; and where (b) the type of the field matches the type of this parameter (Int, Float, or Time); and where (c) the value of the field is greater than the specified value. Fieldname is constructed as for EQ_fieldname. ____________________________________
GE_fieldname LT_fieldname LE_fieldname
Int Float Time
Analogous to GT_fieldname. ______________________
Like EQ_fieldname as described above, but may be applied to a field of any type (including complex types). The result will include events that have a nonempty field named fieldname. Fieldname is constructed as for EQ_fieldname. Note that the value for this query parameter is ignored. ____________________________________________
List of String
This is not a single parameter, but a family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a field named fieldname whose type is a vocabulary type; and (b) where the value of that field is a vocabulary element for which master data is available; and (c) the master data has a non-null attribute whose name matches one of the values specified in this parameter. Fieldname is the fully qualified name of a field. For a standard field, this is simply the field name; e.g., bizLocation. For an extension field, the name of an extension field is an XML qname; that is, apair consisting of an XML namespace URI and a name. The name of the corresponding query parameter is constructed by concatenating the following: the string HASATTR_, the namespace URI for the extension field, a pound sign (#), and the name of the extension field. ________________________________________________
List of String
This is not a single parameter, but a family of parameters. If a parameter of this form is specified, the result will only include events that (a) have a field named fieldname whose type is a vocabulary type; and (b) where the value of that field is a vocabulary element for which master data is available; and (c) the master data has a non-null attribute named attrname; and (d) where the value of that attribute matches one of the values specified in this parameter. Fieldname is constructed as for HASATTR_fieldname. The implementation may raise a QueryParameterException if fieldname or attrname includes an underscore character. Explanation (non-normative): because the presence of an underscore in fieldname or attrname presents an ambiguity as to where the division between fieldname and attrname lies, an implementation is free to reject the query parameter if it cannot disambiguate. _________________
If specified, names a single field that will be used to order the results. The orderDirection field specifies whether the ordering is in ascending sequence or descending sequence. Events included in the result that lack the specified field altogether may occur in any position within the result event list. The value of this parameter shall be one of: eventTime, recordTime, quantity, or the fully qualified name of an extension field whose type is Int, Float, Time, or String. A fully qualified fieldname is constructed as for the EQ_fieldname parameter. In the case of a field of type String, the ordering SHOULD be in lexicographic order based on the Unicode encoding of the strings, or in some other collating sequence appropriate to the locale. If omitted, no order is specified. The implementation may order the results in any order it chooses, and that order may differ even when the same query is executed twice on the same data. _________
If specified and orderBy is also specified, specifies whether the results are ordered in ascending or descending sequence according to the key specified by orderBy. The value of this parameter must be one of ASC (for ascending order) or DESC (for descencing order); if not, the implementation SHALL raise a QueryParameterException. If omitted, defaults to DESC. _____
If specified, the results will only include the first N events that match the other criteria, where N is the value of this parameter. The ordering specified by the orderBy and orderDirection parameters determine the meaning of first for this purpose. If omitted, all events matching the specified criteria will be included in the results. This parameter and maxEventCount are mutually exclusive; if both are specified, a QueryParameterException shall be raised. This parameter may only be used when orderBy is specified; if orderBy is omitted and eventCountLimit is specified, a QueryParameterException shall be raised. This parameter differs from maxEventCount in that this parameter limits the amount of data returned, whereas maxEventCount causes an exception to be thrown if the limit is exceeded. Explanation (non-normative): A common use of the orderBy, orderDirection, and eventCountLimit parameters is for extremal queries. For example, to select the most recent event matching some criteria, the query would include parameters that select events matching the desired critera, and set orderBy to eventTime, orderDirection to DESC, and eventCountLimit to one. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
If specified, at most this many events will be included in the query result. If the query would otherwise return more than this number of events, a QueryTooLargeException shall be raised instead of a normal query result. This parameter and eventCountLimit are mutually exclusive; if both are specified, a QueryParameterException shall be raised. If this parameter is omitted, any number of events may be included in the query result. Note, however, that the EPCIS implementation is free to raise a QueryTooLargeException regardless of the setting of this parameter. __________________________________ |