documentation of GS1 Germany is based on the EPCglobal Specifications
issued by EPCglobal Inc. EPCglobal Inc is a joint-venture between GS1
and GS1 US.
This documentation comprises a subset of bindings (e.g. XML, WSDL or
AS2) described in the related specification in html-Format,
respectively chtml-Format, as well as the specifications issued by
EPCglobal Inc.
The documentation of the bindings is
structured as follows:
1 / Introduction:
This report describes the fundamental functionalities of the EPCgobal
interface. It is an abstract of the specification.
Report 2 / Diagram:
This report shows the hierarchical structure of the binding.
3 / Message Structure:
This report shows the structure including occurrences and status
descriptions of the elements and attributes of the binding. It contains
also links to additional information of report 4 / Guideline Details.
4 / Guideline Details:
The left side of this report visualizes a message tree. The individual
components of the message tree can be opened by mouse-clicking on the
"+"-symbol so that the underlying structures are displayed. By
mouse-clicking on an element or attribute the associated information
such as the data element definition will be displayed on the right
side.On the right side also the base type of the element or the
attribute is displayed and linked to further information of the
underlying data structures.
5 / Components:
The left side of this report contains an overview of all components
used in the message type. By mouse-clicking on the components the
related information will be shown on the right side of the report. By
further mouse-clicking on the related information the underlying data
structures will also be shown.
Report 6
Instance File:
This report contains the XML instance document.
Report 7 / Specification:
This report contains the official specification issued by EPCglobal Inc.
Report 8 / Schema files (zipped):
This report contains the associated XML schemas for the EPCIS specification.
In producing this software, all possible measures were taken to ensure
that the accuracy of the information contained therein. Nevertheless,
the publisher assumes no liability for any damages incurring from the
use of this documentation, nor for the its performance on differently
configured computers.
Installation and use of the software is undertaken at the user's own
risk. The will not assume liability for any damages resulting from the
use of the software, including but not limited to, lost sales, service
interruptions or loss of data or information.
The content of this documentation is intended for the licensee's
internal use only. No part may be reproduced for external use, stored
in a searchable repository, or electronically or mechanically copied or
duplicated without the express written consent of GS1 Germany.
We recommend a display resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels and the use of
MS Internet Explorer.
We wish you enjoyment and success in working with the EPCglobal
GS1 Germany GmbH
© Copyright GS1 Germany 2008