10 |
In cash |
Payment by currency (including bills and coins) in circulation, including checking account deposits. |
20 |
21 |
Banker's draft |
Issue of a banker's draft in payment of the funds. |
23 |
Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment) |
Payment by a pre-printed form, which has been completed by a financial institution, on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient. |
30 |
Credit transfer |
Payment by credit movement of funds from one account to another. |
31 |
Debit transfer |
Payment by debit movement of funds from one account to another. |
42 |
Payment to bank account |
49 |
Direct debit |
The amount is to be, or has been, directly debited to the customer's bank account. |
60 |
Promissory note |
70 |
Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor |
Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor. |
74 |
Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank |
Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank. |
97 |
Clearing between partners |
Amounts which two partners owe to each other to be compensated in order to avoid useless payments. |
14E |
Payment by bankgiro (GS1 Code) |
Payment will be, or has been, made by bankgiro. |