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Duty or tax or fee category code
  Code specifying a duty or tax or fee category.
Mixed tax rate
Code specifying that the rate is based on mixed tax.
GS1 Description:
Transaction includes item taxed at different rates.
Lower Rate
Tax rate is lower than standard rate.
Value Added Tax (VAT) not now due for payment
A code to indicate that the Value Added Tax (VAT) amount which is due on the current invoice is to be paid on receipt of a separate VAT payment request.
GS1 Description:
The value added tax is not due for payment now.
VAT Reverse Charge
Code specifying that the standard VAT rate is levied from the invoicee.
GS1 Description:
Code specifying that the rate is based upon the reverse charge VAT treatment which is always standard rate tax.
Exempt from tax
Code specifying that taxes are not applicable.
GS1 Description:
All items in the transaction or a specific line item are exempt from tax.
Free export item, tax not charged
Code specifying that the item is free export and taxes are not charged.
Higher rate
Code specifying a higher rate of duty or tax or fee.
GS1 Description:
All items in the transaction or a specific line item are taxed at the higher rate of tax.
Services outside scope of tax
Code specifying that taxes are not applicable to the services.
Standard rate
Code specifying the standard rate.
GS1 Description:
All items in the transaction or a specific line item are taxed at the standard rate of tax.
Limited right for deduction (SE Code)
Indication of limited right for deduction. (Sweden)
Hotel, camping, etc. (SE Code)
VAT category for hotel, camping, etc. (Sweden)
Public service (SE Code)
VAT category for public services (Sweden)
Grocery (SE Code)
VAT category for grocery (Sweden)
Restaurant services (SE Code)
VAT category for restaurant services (Sweden)
Papers, books, etc. (SE Code)
VAT category for papers, books, tec. (Sweden)
Travels (SE Code)
VAT category for travels (Sweden)
Zero rated goods
Code specifying that the goods are at a zero rate.
GS1 Description:
All items in the transaction or a specific line item are zero tax rated.
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