1 |
Product ingredients not marked on package |
The ingredients of the product are not marked on the packaging of the product. |
2 |
Product price not marked on packaging |
The product price is not marked on the packaging of the product. |
3 |
Product best before date not marked on product package |
The product best before date is not marked on the packaging of the product. |
4 |
Package not marked recyclable |
Package is not marked as recyclable. |
5 |
Promotional details marked |
A code indicating that promotional details have been marked on the package. |
7 |
Sell-by date marked on package |
The package is marked with the last date on which the item may be sold. |
8 |
Use-by date marked on package |
The package is marked with the last date on which the item may be used. |
9 |
Packaging / manufacturing date marked on package |
The package is marked with the date of the packaging or manufacturing of the item. |
10 |
No freshness date marked on package |
Package is not marked with any kind of date indicating freshness, such as use-by, best before or packaging date. |
31 |
Package best before date marked |
Package is marked with the product best before date. |
32 |
Package marked recyclable |
The package is marked recyclable. |
33 |
Package marked returnable |
The package is marked returnable. |
50 |
Package barcoded EAN-13 or EAN-8 |
The package is barcoded with EAN-13 or EAN-8 code. |
51 |
Package barcoded ITF-14 |
The package is barcoded with ITF-14 code. |
52 |
Package barcoded UCC or EAN-128 |
The package is barcoded with UCC or EAN-128 code. |
53 |
Package price marked |
The package is marked with the price. |
54 |
Product ingredients marked on package |
The ingredients of the product contained in a package are marked on that package. |
64 |
Package never EPC tagged. |
The package will never be tagged with an EPC (Electronic Product Code) transponder. |
65 |
Package sometimes EPC tagged |
The package will sometimes be tagged with an EPC (Electronic Product Code) transponder. |
78 |
Package bar-coded and EPC tagged |
The package is bar-coded and tagged with an EPC (Electronic Product Code) transponder. |
79 |
Package EPC tagged only |
The package is tagged with an EPC (Electronic Product Code) transponder only. |
80 |
Marked with “display until date” |
Package is marked with the date by which the product should be removed from the display location. |
81 |
Package marked with a variable measure barcode |
The package is marked with a variable measure barcode. |
82 |
Package marked with fixed measure barcode |
The package is marked with a fixed measure barcode. |
Labeled according to General GS1 Specifications for clothing and fashion accessories (GS1 Code) |
The item is labeled according to the General GS1 Specifications for clothing and fashion accessories. |
Not labeled acc. to GS1 (GS1 Code) |
Specifications for clothes and fashion accessoires |
Not barcoded (GS1 Code) |
The package is not barcoded. |
RL1 |
Peg hole round 1 (GS1 Code) |
The item's packaging has a round peg hole. (European norm DIN EN 13010:2003 (substitute for DIN 55512-1:1984-12)) |
SL1 |
Peg hole slot hole 1 (GS1 Code) |
The item's packaging has a slot peg hole of type 1. (European norm DIN EN 13010:2003 (substitute for DIN 55512-1:1984-12)) |
SL3 |
Peg hole slot hole 3 (GS1 Code) |
The item's packaging has a slot peg hole of type 3. (European norm DIN EN 13010:2003 (substitute for DIN 55512-1:1984-12)) |
X01 |
Composite Component A (GS1 Code) |
X02 |
Composite Component B (GS1 Code) |
X03 |
Composite Component C (GS1 Code) |
X04 |
RSS-14 (GS1 Code) |
X05 |
RSS-14 Stacked (GS1 Code) |
X06 |
RSS-14 Staked omnidirectional (GS1 Code) |
X07 |
RSS-14 Truncated (GS1 Code) |
X08 |
RSS expanded (GS1 Code) |
X09 |
RSS expanded truncated (GS1 Code) |
X10 |
RSS limited (GS1 Code) |
X11 |
UPC A symbol (GS1 Code) |
X12 |
UPC E Symbol (GS1 Code) |
X13 |
EANUCC 14 Symbol (GS1 Code) |
X14 |
Package not marked returnable (GS1 Code) |
Trade item has no returnable packaging. |