1 |
Item for national preference |
Item concerned is applicable to national preference calculation. |
2 |
Item qualifying for payment discount |
Item concerned is applicable for settlement/payment discount calculation. |
3 |
Item not qualifying for payment discount |
Item concerned is not applicable for settlement/payment discount calculation. |
4 |
Urgent delivery of reserved goods |
Urgent delivery of goods for which a reservation was made. |
5 |
Item not to be included in bonus calculation |
Item concerned is not applicable for bonus calculation. |
6 |
Subject to bonus |
Item concerned is applicable for bonus calculation. |
7 |
Subject to commission |
Item concerned is applicable for commission calculation. |
8 |
Subject to discount |
Item concerned is applicable for discount calculation. |
9 |
Freely available in EU |
Item should be available freely within the European Economic Community. |
GS1 Description: Item is freely available in the European Union. |
10 |
Subject to settlement discount |
Item concerned is applicable for the overall settlement discount. |
11 |
Price includes excise |
The stated price is inclusive of excise. |
12 |
Price includes tax |
The stated price is inclusive of tax. |
15 |
Not subject to discount |
Item concerned is not applicable for discount calculation. |
18 |
Item subject to national export restrictions |
Item concerned requires export declaration. |
96 |
Promotional advertising |
A media press communication informing about a promotion. |
97 |
Promotional price |
Reduction in price for a specified period of time for promotional purposes. |
98 |
Promotional shelf display |
Product in promotion is displayed in a special shelf or display. |
99 |
Safety data sheet required to accompany goods when moved |
Material safety data sheet is required to accompany the goods when they are moved. |
108 |
Financial compensation (EDIFACT Code) |
Indicates that an item is supplied under the special condition as financial compensation. |
109 |
Sale or return |
Item concerned may be returned to supplier or otherwise disposed of if it remains unsold after a pre-determined period of time. |
116 |
Subject to postponed discount |
The item concerned is applicable for postponed discount which will be refunded via a later credit. |
119 |
Product genetically modified |
An indication that a product has been genetically modified during its production process. |
123 |
Pharmacy sales only |
A special condition limiting the sale of a product to a pharmacy. |
124 |
Sale requires medical prescription |
The sale of the product requires a medical prescription. |
GS1 Description: The identified product may only be sold in conjuction with a medical prescription. |
125 |
New item, not yet available |
The item is new and not yet available. |
126 |
New, available |
The item is new and available. |
127 |
Obsolete |
The item is obsolete. |
128 |
Prototype |
The item is a prototype and is not yet in normal production. |
129 |
Non-standard product |
This item is not a standard product. |
130 |
Discontinued |
The item is no longer available. |
133 |
Gift supplied with purchase |
Product made available as a gift to a customer when purchasing an accompanying product. |
134 |
Sale from promotional stock |
An indication that products sold came from promotional stock. |
135 |
Sale from obsolete stock |
An indication that products sold came from obsolete stock. |
136 |
Buying group conditions |
A code indicating that buying group conditions apply. |
137 |
Cancel order unless complete delivery possible on requested date and or time |
Code indicating that the order is to be cancelled if complete delivery is not possible on the date and or time requested in the order. |
140 |
Return of goods |
Special conditions related to the return of goods. |
141 |
Subject to annual bonus |
Item concerned is applicable for annual bonus calculation. |
142 |
Invoiced but not replenished |
A special condition indicating the fact that goods which have not yet been replenished have been invoiced. |
143 |
Replenished but not invoiced |
A special condition indicating the fact that goods which have been replenished have not yet been invoiced. |
144 |
Deliver full order |
A special condition indicating that delivery of the order will only be accepted in full. |
147 |
Special handling requirements at point of receipt |
An indication that the product requires special handling at the point of receipt. |
148 |
Supply direct delivery |
Goods to be supplied direct delivery to the delivery store and not through a distribution centre or a warehouse. |
150 |
Mixed item pallet |
Goods to be supplied on mixed item pallet. |
151 |
Items from the same dye lot |
The items should be supplied from the same dye lot. |
152 |
Awaiting credit clearance |
Processing of the referenced document is delayed while credit clearance is obtained. |
153 |
Return publication full copies |
Return the full copies of a publication. |
154 |
Return publication headings only |
Return only the heading of a publication. |
155 |
Destroy publication |
Destroy the publication by whatever means, but in such a way that it cannot be read afterwards. |
157 |
Not subject to sale or return |
Product supplied not subject to sale or return. |
158 |
Item to be sold in both domestic and export markets |
The item will be sold in both the domestic and export markets. |
159 |
Item to be sold only in export markets |
The item will be sold only in export markets. |
164 |
Shipment completes order |
There will be no further shipments for this order as it is considered complete. |
165 |
Split shipment |
Subsequent shipment(s) will arrive for this order as it has been split over more than one shipment. |
166 |
Include in continuous replenishment calculation |
An indication that a product or group of products are to be included in the continuous replenishment calculation. |
167 |
Remove from continuous replenishment calculation |
An indication that a product or group of products are to be removed from the continuous replenishment calculation. |
168 |
Standard pack shipment |
The shipment contains only standard packs. |
169 |
Pick pack shipment |
The shipment contains only packages resulting from a pick and pack operation. |
GS1 Description: Where the hierarchy of the shipment resulting from a pick and pack operation has the article level sub-ordinate to the packaging level. |
170 |
Goods for retail outlet shelf |
Goods to be placed on a retail outlet shelf. |
171 |
Security stock |
The goods are required to maintain the security stock. |
172 |
Production batch number allocated |
A batch number is allocated by the manufacturer to the item. |
173 |
Production batch number allocated as required by law |
A batch number is allocated by the manufacturer to the item as required by law. |
174 |
Product not genetically modified |
An indication that a product has not been genetically modified during its production process. |
179 |
Product gluten-free |
An indication that a product does not contain any gluten. |
180 |
Product contains gluten |
An indication that a product contains gluten. |
181 |
Product lactose-free |
An indication that a product does not contain any lactose. |
182 |
Product contains lactose |
An indication that a product contains lactose. |
183 |
CH, compliant with Genetically Modified Food law |
An indication that a product complies with the Swiss law on genetically modified food. |
184 |
CH, non-compliant with Genetically Modified Food law |
An indication that a product does not comply with the Swiss law on genetically modified food. |
185 |
CH, compliant with General Food law |
An indication that a product complies with the Swiss general food law. |
186 |
CH, non-compliant with General Food law |
An indication that a product does not comply with the Swiss general food law. |
187 |
Store may not order |
The store is not allowed to order. |
188 |
Distribution centre may not order |
Distribution centre is not allowed to order. |
189 |
Net content declaration indicated |
A declaration of a trade item's net content is on the product label. |
190 |
Net content declaration not indicated |
A declaration of a trade item's net content is not on the product label. |
191 |
Not irradiated |
Radiation has not been applied. |
192 |
Batch or lot number not allocated |
The trade item has no batch or lot number. |
193 |
Unsold trade item not returnable |
A trade item that is not sold cannot be returned. |
194 |
Ingredient irradiated |
Radiation has been applied to a trade item's ingredient. |
195 |
Ingredients not irradiated |
Radiation has not been applied to any trade item's ingredient. |
196 |
Raw material irradiated |
Radiation has been applied to a trade item's raw material. |
197 |
Raw material not irradiated |
Radiation has not been applied to any trade item's raw material. |
198 |
Re-orderable |
The item may be re-ordered. |
199 |
Receipt advice, fully detailed |
Includes qualitative and/or quantitative details regarding everything received (all line items) whether or not there were exceptions between what was received and what was advised as being sent. |
200 |
Receipt advice, only exceptions |
Includes only qualitative and/or quantitative exceptions between what was received and what was advised as being sent. |
201 |
Ingredient is irradiated not applicable |
The indication that an ingredient of a trade item is irradiated is not applicable. |
202 |
Raw material is irradiated not applicable |
The indication that raw material of a trade item is irradiated is not applicable. |
203 |
Trade item is genetically modified not applicable |
The indication that a product has not been genetically modified is not applicable |
204 |
Ingredient is irradiated not applicable |
The indication that a trade item is irradiated is not applicable. |
205 |
Size dependent pricing |
An item price may be different depending of the size. |
206 |
Size independent pricing |
An item price is independent of the size. |
53E |
Await further instructions (GS1 Code) |
Wait for further instructions as to what to do with the publications. These instructions will either be given in electronic form or by other means such as letter, fax, e-mail. |
55E |
No action (GS1 Code) |
Code indicating the fact that no actions have taken place since the last message. |
59E |
No pallets (GS1 Code) |
Goods are to be supplied without pallets. |
61E |
Mono item pallet (GS1 Code) |
Goods to be supplied on mono item pallet. |
69E |
Product data publically available (GS1 Code) |
A code indicating the fact that the data associated with the current product may be made publically available on a product data base. |
70E |
Product data not publically available (GS1 Code) |
A code indicating the fact that the data associated with the current product may not be made publically available on a product data base. |
73E |
Delivery subject to final authorization (GS1 Code) |
Code indicating the fact that delivery of the order should not take place until final authorization has been received from the delivery party or buyer. |
74E |
Subject to special rules for hazardous materials (GS1 Code) |
A code to indicate that the product is subject to special hazardous materials rules. |
75E |
Not subject to special rules for hazardous materials (GS1 Code) |
A code to indicate that the product is not subject to special hazardous materials rules. |
76E |
Special conditions applicable to only this invoice (GS1 Code) |
This invoice is subject to some special conditions. |
77E |
Installation order conditions (GS1 Code) |
A code indicating order conditions related the installation for the first time, or complete restocking, of the entire range of a retail outlet. |
79E |
Discrepancies or adjustments (GS1 Code) |
Special conditions related to discrepancies or adjustments. |
88E |
Commodity (GS1 Code) |
Company's standard product. |
90E |
Temporarily out (GS1 Code) |
Item is temporarily not available. |
91E |
Manufacture out (GS1 Code) |
Item is out of production. |
93E |
Seasonally available only (GS1 Code) |
Product described is only available in specific seasons or time periods in a year, e.g. christmas decorations. |
94E |
Deletion, announcement only (GS1 Code) |
An announcement to say that the item is in the process of being deleted from the supplier's product range |
95E |
Temporary product (GS1 Code) |
A product which is only available for a temporary period of time. |
96E |
Product again available (GS1 Code) |
A product which was previously unavailable which is once again available. |
Party has access to all non publically available data (GS1 Code) |
The identified party has access to all non publically available pricing and non-pricing data associated with the current product. |
Party has access only to non publically available non-pricing data (GS1 Code) |
The identified party has access only to the non publically available non-pricing data associated with the current product. |
Party has access only to non publically available pricing data (GS1 Code) |
The identified party has access only to the non publically available pricing data associated with the current product. |
X1 |
No back orders when partial delivery (GS1 Code) |
Indication that no back orders are allowed when there is a partial delivery. |
X13 |
Product not genetically modified (GS1 Code) |
An indication that a product has not been genetically modified during its production process. |
X14 |
Suspended (GS1 Code) |
An item whose production or distribution has been suspended. |
X15 |
No re-ordering (GS1 Code) |
The item will not be re-ordered. |
X16 |
Product irradiated (GS1 Code) |
An indication that a product has had radioactive rays directed onto it to preserve it. |
X18 |
Final consumer reservation (GS1 Code) |
Goods to be supplied with maximum urgency because final consumer has made reservation (in a retail outlet). |
X19 |
Shelf replenishment merchandise (GS1 Code) |
Goods to be placed in a retail outlet shelf. |
X2 |
Back orders accepted when partial delivery (GS1 Code) |
Indication that back orders are accepted when there is a partial delivery. |
X20 |
Security stock merchandise (GS1 Code) |
Goods to maintain the security stock of a retail outlet. |
X44 |
Item to be included in bonus calculation (GS1 Code) |
Item will be included when calculating agreed bonuses. |
X5 |
End consumer promotional item (GS1 Code) |
Item is an end consumer promotional item. |
X61 |
Is reload (GS1 code) |
Value indicating the state of the Catalogue Item within the Request for Notification Process being currently on the Notification List. |
X62 |
Is not reload (GS1 code) |
Value indicating the state of the Catalogue Item within the Request for Notification Process being Initial Load. |
X8 |
Provisional (GS1 Code) |
Item concerned is provisional. |
Z01 |
Damaged goods (SE Code) |
Indication that the goods have been/are damaged. |