GS1 Europe
eOrders; V 2.0
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Example Co-Managed Inventory Order

UNH+ME000001+ORDERS:D:01B:UN:EAN010' Message header
BGM+22E::9+128576+9' Manufacturer raised Order number 128576
DTM+137:20020830:102' Message date 30th of August 2002
DTM+76:20020903:102' Delivery date/time scheduled for 3rd of September 2002
RFF+CT:652744' Order is based on contract number 652744
RFF+PL:AUG93RNG04' Price is taken from the price list AUG93RNG04
NAD+BY+5412345000013::9' Buyer is identified by GLN 5412345000013
NAD+SU+4012345500004::9' Supplier is identified by GLN 4012345500004
CUX+2:EUR:9' Ordering currency is identified as Euros
LIN+1++4000862141404:SRV' First product order is identified by the GTIN 4000862141404
QTY+21:48' Ordered quantity is 48 units
UNS+S' Message detail/summary separator
CNT+2:1' Count of the number of LIN segments in the message
UNT+14+ME000001' Total number of segments in the message equals14



UNH+ME000002+ORDERS:D:01B:UN:EAN010' Message header
BGM+220+128577+16' CMI Order confirmation number 128577
DTM+137:20020830:102' Message date 30th of August 2002
DTM+2:20020903:102' Delivery date/time scheduled for 3rd of September 2002
RFF+CT:652744' Order is based on contract number 652744
RFF+PL:AUG93RNG04' Price is taken from the price list AUG93RNG04
RFF+VN:128576' Order number of the manufacturer
NAD+BY+5412345000013::9' Buyer is identified by GLN 5412345000013
NAD+SU+4012345500004::9' Supplier is identified by GLN 4012345500004
CUX+2:EUR:9' Ordering currency is identified as Euros
LIN+1++4000862141404:SRV' First product order is identified by the GTIN 4000862141404
QTY+21:48' Ordered quantity is 48 units
UNS+S' Message detail/summary separator
CNT+2:1' Count of the number of LIN segments in the message
UNT+15+ME000002' Total number of segments in the message equals 15


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