Quantity |
* |
Quantity details |
Quantity type code qualifier |
* |
192 |
= |
Free goods quantity |
Quantity |
Free goods quantity |
A quantity which is delivered to the delivery party but is not charged. Such a free goods quantity is an allowance. The free quantity is not included in the invoiced quantity. |
Measurement unit code |
= |
kilogram |
DE 6411 is only used, if the article is a variable quantity article. Default value is piece. |
Segment notes: |
Status-AT D Status-DK D Status-FR D Status-DE O Status-NL N Status-CH N Status-SE N Status-UK N Status-PL N Status-PT O Status-CZ D Status-HU N |
I |
Example: |
QTY+192:1:KGM' |
1 piece without invoicing. |