The reference number of the invoice message is ME000001. |
The document number is 87441. |
The message was created on 01.10.2003 |
Date of delivery is 15.03.2003 |
This example requires the pick up of consignment on 26.10.2003. |
Despatch date is 26.10.2003. |
The production/manufacture date is 26. October 2003. |
The invoicing period is 26. October 2003 to 29.October 2003. |
The invoicing period starts on 26. October 2005. |
The invoicing period ends on 29.October 2005. |
The withdrawal of material has taken place on 26. October 2003. |
Tax point date is 26. October 2003. |
Accounting value date is 26. October 2003. |
Invoice date is 15. April 2005. |
Sale date is 15. April 2005. |
The whole message is not subject for discount, e.g. deposit invoicing |
Country of origin is Germany |
Products have been supplied direct to retail store |
Reason for crediting are adjustments |
Possibility to transmit free text for heading section |
Possibility to transmit free text |
Possibility to transmit free text |
Possibility to transmit Supplier’s legal structure/issued capital |
Possibility to transmit reason for free of VAT |
Possibility to transmit reason for penality |
Possibility to transmit the benefit classification number according German foreign trade regulations |
Possibility to transmit reason for payment discount |
Local court for registration |
The invoice is relevant for INTRASTAT |
The message references to buyers order number 4711. |
Buyers order is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to despatch advice number 4714. |
Reference is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to other reference number 4714. |
Reference is dated 01.03.2003 |
The number of the previous invoice is 4714. |
Reference is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to delivery note number 4714. |
Reference is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to receiving advice number 4714. |
Reference is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to debit note 4714. |
The credit note specifies reference no. 8711. |
The date of the reference is 01.03.2003 |
Invoice references to agreement no. 1. |
The agreement date is 01.03.2003 |
Reference to sales agreement 1. |
The agreement date is 01.03.2003 |
Credit note specifies commercial dispute 8711. |
The date of the commercial dispute is 01.03.2003 |
Promotion deal number is 8711. |
Reference to returns no. 8799. |
The date on the returns document is 01.03.2003 |
The invoice is part of invoice register 4713. |
Invoice register is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to suppliers order response number 4711-R. |
Suppliers order response is dated 01.03.2003 |
This message is based on blanket order 5698. |
Reference to document no. 8799. |
The date on the referencing document is 01.03.2003 |
The message references to consumers order number 4711. |
Price list number is 4711. |
Supplier’s accounts receivable reference is 4711. |
The message references to returns notice number 4788. |
The date of the return document is 01.03.2003 |
The message references to transport document number 4711. |
The message references to suppliers order number 4714. |
The date of the reference is 01.03.2003 |
The buyer/invoicee is identified by GLN 4071615111110. |
Buyers bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The additional identification is 0815. |
The identification in suppliers system is 0815. |
Buyers Commercial Registry is 0815. |
The VAT registration number is DE090909. |
The buyer’s fiscal number is DE090909. |
The Company/place registration number is DE090909. |
The capital reference is K0815. |
Contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
Invoicee is identified by GLN 4071615192710. |
Invoicees bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The additional identification is 0815. |
The internal identification is 0815. |
The VAT registration number is DE090909. |
Invoicee’s fiscal number is DE090909. |
Contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
Payer is identified by GLN 4071615198877. |
Payers bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The VAT registration number is PL090909. |
Invoice recipient is identified by GLN 4071615192710. |
The delivered store is identified by GLN 4071615192710. |
The delivery party is identified by GLN 4089876511111. |
Delivery party bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The additional identification is 0816. |
The internal customer number is 9988. |
Purchasing contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
The temporary delivery party has not yet got a GLN. |
The collection place is identified by GLN 4089876511111. |
The additional identification is 0816. |
Purchasing contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The ultimate consignee is identified by GLN 4089876986411. |
The additional identification is 0816. |
Contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
The consignee is identified by GLN 4089876986411. |
The ultimate consumer is identified by GLN 4089876986411. |
The additional identification is 0816. |
The supplier/issuer of invoice is identified by GLN 4389876511113. |
Suppliers bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The additional identification is 0817. |
The VAT registration number is DE101010. |
Identification of the manufacturer of electric and electronic parts is WEEE DE 13345678 |
The fiscal tax number is 07/408/1234/5. |
The Company/place registration number is DE090909. |
The capital reference is K0815. |
Contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
Invoice issuer is identified by GLN 4071615192710. |
Issuers bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
Contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
The ordering party is identified by GLN 4389876511113. |
Issuers bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The factor is identified by GLN 4389876512643. |
The payee is identified by GLN 4389876512643. |
Payees bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
Payees post giro number is 994-3277711 |
The additional identification is 0817. |
The VAT registration number is DE101010. |
The fiscal number is DE090909. |
Contact person is Mr. Schmidt |
The telefone number is 00418132445322 |
The distributor is identified by GLN 4389876511893. |
The additional identification is 0822. |
Supplier’s Corporate Office is identified by GLN 4389876511113. |
The VAT registration number is DE101010. |
Tax representative is identified by GLN 4389876511113. |
The VAT registration number is DE101010. |
The ship from place is identified by Global Location Number (GLN) 4012345000009. |
Issuers bank giro number is 994-3277711 |
The dominant tax rate of the document is 16%. |
The document has been invoiced in EURO. |
Date of rate of exchange is: 21.04.2004 |
Invoice is due on 15.03.2003 |
Number of days until due date |
Payment due reference date is: 05.07.2005 |
Terms discount due date is 12.04.2003 |
2.5% early payment allowance are offered |
Early payment allowance is 2.52 EURO |
2.5% early payment allowance are offered |
Early payment allowance is 2.52 EURO |
Payment penalty amount is 2.52 EURO |
Date related to the above location |
Date related to the above location |
Rate: 500 EURO per 100 pieces |
Discount on invoice level is related to the part of the invoice, which is taxed with 16%. |
The invoiced article is identified by GTIN 4000862141404. |
Only if LIN does not provide GTIN: Articleidentification in PIA |
Suppliers internal article number ABC5343. |
Original article number ABC5343. |
Buyers article number XYZ987. |
Article Group number 1111. |
Harmonized system XYZ987. |
Promotional variant 4012368259753. |
type of waste = cardboard |
Restricted circulation variable measure number |
Manufacturer's article number |
Article long description: Rudi Rüssel |
The article is an invoicing unit |
The article is a consumer unit. |
Display, it is an assortment unit |
Grade: COX (only fruit/vegetables) |
Quality class: A (only fruit/vegetables) |
Size: XXS (only fruit/vegetables or textiles) |
Colour: Pink (only textile) |
Variable quantity product |
GTIN identifies one way empties (deposit) |
GTIN identifies brokerages |
The weight of the article is 63.7 kg net. |
The weight of the article is 63.7 kg net. |
1 piece without invoicing. |
11 pieces are contained in a pack |
11 consumer units are contained in a traded unit |
The line item is not subject for discount, e.g. deposit invoicing |
The line item is subject to bonus |
Country of origin is Czech |
Date of delivery is 15.03.2003 |
Completion was 15.03.2003 until 15.04.2004 |
Pick up date is 15.03.2003 |
Despatch date is 15.03.2003 |
The butter fat has to be processed until 29.October 2003. |
Possibility to provide free text. |
The line item amount is 108.13 EURO. |
The total allowances for this line are 1.65 EURO. |
Shrinkage: 12.99 (only fruit/vegetables) |
Total retail value of the line item is 219.78 EURO |
The net price is 9.98 EURO. |
The contract price is 9.98 EURO. |
The current contract price is 9.98 EURO. |
The discount price is 9.98 EURO. |
The current discount price is 9.98 EURO. |
The gross price is 9.98 EURO. |
The suggested retail price per piece is 19.98 EURO incl. tax. |
Price without (tabacco) tax is 19.98 |
The message references to delivery note number 4714, line 1. |
Date of delivery note reference (line) = 10.03.2005 |
The message references to despatch advice number 4714, line 1. |
The date of the reference is 01.03.2003 |
The message references to buyers order number 4711, line 1. |
Buyers order is dated 01.03.2003 |
The message references to suppliers order number 4711-L. |
Suppliers order is dated 01.03.2003 |
The date of the reference is 01.03.2003 |
Sales agreement/contract number = 4711 |
Reference to ultimate consignee order number = 4711 |
The message references to ULD Identification number 4714. |
Date of unit load device identification number = 10.03.2005 |
Line number of a reference is 3 |
Identification of the manufacturer of electric and electronic parts is WEEE DE 13345678 |
The message references to receiving advice number 4714. |
The date of the reference is 01.03.2003 |
The butter surcharge number is 005-691-06. |
Promotion deal number is 8711 |
Credit note specifies commercial dispute 8711. |
The date of the commercial dispute is 01.03.2003 |
The message references to other reference number 4714. |
The date of the reference is 01.03.2003 |
Possibility to provide package type. |
Net weight (only fruit/vegetables). |
The delivery location is identified by GLN 4012345500000 |
The delivered quantity is 1234 KGM. |
The invoiced quantity is 1234 KGM. |
The delivery date is 01.10.2003. |
The VAT rate for the current line item is 16%. |
VAT taxable amount is 16,83 |
The tax rate for the current line item is 16%. |
The delivery party is identified by GLN 4089876511111. |
The ordering party is identified by GLN 4389876511113. |
The delivered store is identified by GLN 4071615192710. |
The ultimate consumer is identified by GLN 4089876986411. |
Quantity discount 12 pieces |
equals an allowance of 1.65 EURO |
Allowance: 1.25 EURO per 100 pieces |
The VAT rate for the current allowance/charge is 16%. |
Sub line to describe consumer unit |
Only if LIN does not provide GTIN: Articleidentification in PIA |
GTIN 4000862141417 is a consumer unit |
Weight of the article is 63.7 kg net. |
Weight of the article is 63.7 kg net. |
The invoiced unit contains 5 consumer units. |
Sub line to describe units included in assortment/display |
Only if LIN does not provide GTIN: Articleidentification in PIA |
Suppliers internal article number ABC5343. |
Buyers article number XYZ987. |
Article Group number 1111. |
Harmonized system XYZ987. |
Promotional variant 4012368259753. |
The article description is: Rüssel von Rudi |
The article is a consumer unit. |
GTIN identifies one way empties (deposit) |
12 piecees have been delivered. |
Possibility to provide package type. |
The VAT rate for the current line item is 16%. |
Sub line to describe and invoice units included in assortment/display. |
Only if LIN does not provide GTIN: Articleidentification in PIA |
Suppliers internal article number ABC5343. |
Buyers article number XYZ987. |
Article Group number 1111. |
Harmonized system XYZ987. |
Promotional variant 4012368259753. |
The article description is: Rüssel von Rudi. |
The article is an invoiced unit. |
The article is a consumer unit. |
GTIN identifies one way empties (deposit) |
Weight of the article is 63,7 kg net |
Weight of the article is 63,7 kg net |
1 piece without invoicing. |
The line item is not subject for discount, e.g. deposit invoicing |
The line item amount is 108.13 EURO. |
The total allowances for this line are 1.65 EURO. |
The gross price is 9.98 EURO. |
The gross price is 9.98 EURO. |
The suggested retail price per piece ist 19.98 EURO incl. tax. |
Possibility to provide package type. |
The VAT rate for the current line item is 16%. |
Quantity discount 12 pieces |
Allowance: 1.25 EURO per 100 pieces |
Separation of detail- and summary section |
The amount payable is 141.99 EURO. |
The total discount amount is 45,68 EURO. |
The total amount in second currency is 121,99 USD. |
The total of all net line amounts is 108.13 EURO. |
The invoice total VAT amount is 16.83 EURO. |
The taxable amount is 105.16 EURO. |
Total duty/tax/fee amount is 16,83 |
Total taxable amount - excluding payment discount amount is 105,16 |
The total of all allowances/charges on invoice level is 2.97 EURO. |
Total amount subject to payment discount is 2,97 |
Rounding monetary amount is 2,97 |
This segment is only relevant for german cigarette invoices. |
Total retail value is 219.78 EURO. |
Total returnable item deposit amount 45,68 |
This segment is only relevant for german cigarette invoices. |
The invoice amount is 121.99 EURO. |
The total of the amount to be paid in advance is 108.13 EURO. |
The total of the prepaid amount is 108.13 EURO. |
The amounts based on a tax rate of 16% are: |
The total of all net line amounts is 108.13 EURO. |
The invoice VAT amount is 16.83 EURO. |
The invoice VAT amount is 16.83 in VAT currency. |
The taxable amount/tax rate is 105.16 EURO. |
The total of all allowances/Charges per tax rate on invoice level is 2,97 EURO |
Duty/tax/fee amount due to this tax rate is 16,83 |
Subtotal amount - total gross value due to this tax rate is 16,83 |
Other Tax amount per rate is 16,83 |
Duty/tax/fee amount due to this tax rate is 16,83 |
Other taxable amount per rate is 105,16 |
Total retail value per VAT rate is 219.78 EURO. |
Number of segments in the message. |