Free text |
* |
Text subject code qualifier |
= |
Regulatory information |
Free text function code |
* |
1 |
= |
Text for subsequent use |
Text reference |
Free text value code |
Butter fat note (line level) |
Agreed reference relating butter fat |
see note below |
Code list identification code |
Code list responsible agency code |
Text literal |
N |
Free text value |
N |
Language name code |
DE |
= |
German |
EN |
= |
English |
ISO 639 2-Alpha Code |
Segment notes: |
Status-AT N Status-DK N Status-FR N Status-DE D Status-NL N Status-CH N Status-SE N Status-UK N Status-PL N Status-PT N Status-CZ N Status-HU N Segmentstatus: Depending on restricted use of butter fat Use of this segment in free form is not recommended since in most cases it inhibits automatic processing of the Invoice. Coded references to standard texts is an available functionality which enables automatic processing and reduces transmission and processing overheads. Standard texts should be mutually defined among trading partners and can be used to cover legal and other requirements. DE 4441 can be used with text codes. They have to be used as master data and need to be defined in the interchange agreement. This FTX segment may only be used with text codes.
BF = Restriction of use: The butter/the intermediate product is subject to article 4 of VO(EG) Nr. 2571/97 (When butter fat is invoiced also DTM+9 and RFF+AUQ of this line must be indicated). |
Use of this segment in free form is not recommended since in most cases it inhibits automatic processing of the Invoice. Coded references to standard texts is an available functionality which enables automatic processing and reduces transmission and processing overheads. Standard texts should be mutually defined among trading partners and can be used to cover legal and other requirements. |
I |
Example: |
FTX+REG+1+BF::246++DE' |
Invoicing of butter fat |