ALC-SG40-SG41-SG42-SG43-SG44 |
Monetary amount |
Function: |
To specify a monetary amount. |
* |
Monetary amount |
Monetary amount type code qualifier |
8 |
= |
Allowance or charge amount |
23 |
= |
Charge amount |
204 |
= |
Allowance amount |
Monetary amount |
Monetary amount of allowance or charge (line) |
This entity is used to specify any monetary discounts or charges on line level. |
Segment notes: |
Status-AT N Status-DK N Status-FR O Status-DE O Status-NL N Status-CH O Status-SE N Status-UK O Status-PL O Status-PT O Status-CZ O Status-HU R |
I |
Example: |
MOA+8:1.65' |
equals an allowance of 1.65 EURO |