Price details |
Function: |
To specify price information. |
* |
Price information |
R |
Price code qualifier |
Price amount |
Unit gross price (4. Detail section) |
The gross price is the price on which allowances, charges and taxes apply. It is listed in the catalogue or price list. It is transmitted in the document when no price agreements were previously made. All allowances and charegs applied to the unit price must be detailed. |
The price is required and it depends on the use of charge and allowances (calculation method) if it is gross or net. |
Price type code |
N |
Price specification code |
Unit price basis value |
Number of units for which unit price applies if not one. |
Number of units for which unit price applies if not one. |
Measurement unit code |
D |
= |
kilogram |
= |
litre |
= |
metre |
PA |
= |
packet |
EA |
= |
each |
(e.g. one single cigarette) |
All code values from EANCOM codelist 6411 available |
Unit of measurement for items not priced in 'pieces' (variable quantity items) or not "one" |
Unit of measurement for items not priced in 'pieces' (variable quantity items) or not "one" |
DE 6411 is only used, if the article is a variable quantity article. Default value is piece. |
Segment notes: |
Within the invoice only one calculation method is allowed to determine the line item amount. Status-DE D |
This segment must be used to provide price information to calculate the line item amount. |
I |
Example: |
PRI+AAB:9.98:::1:KGM' |
The gross price is 9.98 EURO. |