ALC-SG40-SG41-SG42-SG43 |
Rate details |
Function: |
To specify rate information. |
* |
Rate details |
Rate type code qualifier |
1 |
= |
Allowance rate |
2 |
= |
Charge rate |
Unit price basis rate |
Unit price basis value |
Quantity for the effective rate |
Measurement unit code |
= |
kilogram |
= |
litre |
= |
metre |
PA |
= |
packet |
EA |
= |
each |
(e.g. one single cigarette) |
All code values from EANCOM codelist 6411 available |
DE 6411 is only used, if the article is a variable quantity article. Default value is piece. |
Segment notes: |
Status-DE O |
This segment is used to specify allowance or charge rates for the line item being invoiced. |
I |
Example: |
RTE+1:1.25:100:KGM' |
Allowance: 1.25 EURO per 100 pieces |