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5. Example(s) (Core) eORDERS; V2.0
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European DESADV
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Please note that EANCOM® 2002 message examples are intended to describe all possible constellations of segment use.  They do not necessarily reflect the actual requirements of a business process.

Please also note that for technical reasons the examples can contain component data element separators, which would normally be represented as data element separators in original messages.
The reference number of the ORDERS message is ME000001.
BGM+220::9+128576+9' BGM
This example indicates that the message is an orginal order with the number 128576.
DTM+137:20020830:102' DTM
This example dates the message as the 30th of August 2002.
DTM+2:20021001:102' DTM
This example requests delivery on the 1st of October 2002.
DTM+200:20031026:102' DTM
This example requests Pick-up/ collection date is 26th of October 2003.
RFF+CT:652744' RFF
This example indicates the contract number 652744.
This example indicates the price list AUG2002.
NAD+BY+5412345000013::9' NAD
This example indicates the GLN of the buyer.
NAD+SU+4012345500004::9' NAD
This example indicates the GLN of the supplier.
NAD+DP+5412345000013::9' NAD
This example indicates that the GLN of the delivery party.
LIN+1++5412345111115:SRV' LIN
This example indicates that the GTIN ordered is 5412345111115.
QTY+21:48' QTY
This example indicates the ordered quantity is 48 pieces.
Begin of summary section
UNT+175+ME000001' UNT
Number of segments in the message.
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