The reference number of the DESADV message is ME000001. |
The document number is 87441. |
The message was created on 03.05.2008 |
The despatch date is 14.12.2008. |
The estimated delivery date is 15.12.2008. |
The requested delivery date is 15.12.2008. |
This example requires the pick up of consignment on 26.10.2008. |
This example requires 26.10.2008 as earliest delivery date. |
This example requires 26.10.2008 as latest delivery date. |
This example requires the delivery on or after 26.10.2008. |
The estimated release date is 15.12.2008. |
The message references to buyers order number 4711. |
The message references to suppliers order number 4712. |
The message references to delivery note number 4714. |
The message references to contract number 4715. |
The message references to bill of lading identification number 5015. |
The buyer/invoicee is identified by GLN 4071615111110. |
The receipient is identified by GLN 4089876511118. |
The ultimate consignee is identified by GLN 4089876986411. |
The supplier is identified by GLN 4389876511113. |
This consignment line contains 1 pallet. |
The SSCC is 340123450000000014 |
This consignment line contains 4 packages. |
The SSCC is 340123450000000014 |
The despatched product is identified by GTIN 4056786542381. |
The batch number of the product is CH-X4711. |
The product identified by GTIN 4056786542381 is WASHING POWDER. |
The quantity is 5 pieces. |
The ordered quantity is 9 pieces. |
The expiry date is 31.12.2008 |
The production date is 31.12.2008 |
The best before date is 31.12.2008 |
The packaging date is 31.12.2008 |
The package is marked with instructions. |
The batch number is 987654. |
The package is marked with instructions. |
Best before date is 31.12.2008. |
The package is marked with instructions. |
Expiry date is 31.12.2008. |
The package is marked with instructions. |
The production date is 31.12.2008. |
The quantity difference is 4 units. |