Comments/Dependency Notes |
Allowance/charge: VAT rate |
O |
This entity is used to show to which tax rate the allowances and charges are allocated. |
O |
Total amount due including taxes. Used on summary level. |
Basis amount for allowance or charge |
O |
This entity is used to provide the basis amount to calculate an allowance or charge. |
Basis amount for allowance or charge (line) |
O |
This entity is used to provide the basis amount to calculate an allowance or charge on line level. |
R |
The GLN which identifies the buyer. |
Buyer’s additional identification |
O |
A code providing an additional identification of the buyer. |
It is used when the GLN is not sufficient and can specify an agreed additional identification. |
Buyer’s article identification |
O |
Identity assigned to an article by the buyer. |
R |
Name and address of party in clear text to which merchandise is sold and/or a service provided. |
Buyer’s VAT registration number |
R |
Unique number attributed by the competent fiscal authority to identify the buyer for all VAT related matters. |
The VAT registration number must be specified for intra-community deliveries. It must be mentioned unedited and begins with country prefix. |
Clear text description of invoiced product or service |
D |
Description in clear text of the item (goods or service) being invoiced. |
For information, the EC Directive on invoicing provides for the issue of invoices in any language, but EU taxes administration may, if required for control purposes, ask for them to be translated into national languages. |
D |
Price valid for a period based on an agreement |
O |
The ISO 3166 two alpha country code of the country where the goods were manufactured or produced. |
Used only for export purposes |
Date of delivery note reference |
D |
The date when a delivery note be referred to was issued. |
R |
The date when the order being referred to was issued. |
Date of previous invoice reference |
D |
Date of previous invoice reference. |
D |
The date on which the rate of exchange was quoted. |
Date sales agreement/contract reference |
D |
The date when the sales agreement/contract being referred to was issued. |
This date is indicated when a reference to a sales agreement is transmitted. |
Delivery date/time, actual |
D |
Date/time on which the ordered goods or services were delivered or completed. This date is not applicable to a corrected invoice. |
Delivery party additional identification |
O |
A code providing an additional identification of the delivery party. |
It is used when the GLN is not sufficient and can specify an agreed additional identification. |
R |
The GLN which identifies the delivery party. The delivery party is the party where the goods were delivered or where the service was completed. |
Delivery party name and address |
O |
Party name and address in clear text to whom the goods are delivered. |
O |
If as a result of a specific sales agreement/contract/catalogue, item allowances and charges are included in the unit price. Reference must be made to the agreement and the allowances and charges cannot be stated for information purposes. |
O |
e.g. for special purposes (legal or business process) |
Free text permits to give reference to legal text |
Identification of allowance or charge (bilaterally agreed) |
O |
Identification of bilaterally agreed allowances or charges. |
Identification of allowance or charge (bilaterally agreed) (line) |
O |
Identification of bilaterally agreed allowances or charges used on line level. |
Identification of allowance or charge (coded) |
O |
Coded description of the allowance or charge. |
Identification of allowance or charge (coded) (line) |
O |
Coded description of the allowance or charge on line level. |
R |
The currency unit in which the prices and amounts in the invoice message are expressed. |
Indication of the currency code according to ISO 4217 three alpha code (see code list of DE 6345). Example: |
R |
Date when the invoice is issued within the invoicing system. |
R |
The trade Item Identification of the goods or service being invoiced. |
Format n..14 (GTIN-8; GTIN-13; GTIN-14) GTIN - this is the number of the article being invoiced. The GTIN is used to identify the goods or service. |
R |
Line item identifier. Application generated number of the line items within the invoice, unique within one invoice. |
Application generated number of the item lines within the invoice. |
R |
A number which identifies the invoice. It is generated by the issuer of the invoice and is a sequential number. |
This number is assigned by the sender of the message The recipient of the message quotes the invoice number on payment and/or in the payment specification The invoice number can then be used to match the payments and the outstanding invoices. Consequently it is recommended that the invoice number is assigned a sufficiently unique number which is, for example, unique for a period of 1 year. |
R |
Indication of the invoice type |
One of the possible invoice types is mandatory. 325 proforma invoice: Document/message serving as a preliminary invoice, containing - on the whole - the same information as the final invoice, but not actually claiming payment. 380 commercial invoice: Document/message claiming payment for goods or services supplied under conditions agreed between seller and buyer. 381 credit note - goods and services: Document/message for providing credit information to the relevant party. 389 self-billed invoice: An invoice, the invoicee is producing instead of the seller. |
R |
The quantity of articles or services being invoiced. |
This is the quantity which is actually part of calculation quantity x price = line item amount. |
O |
Period for which an invoice is issued (period of service or periodic invoice for a range of supplies) |
Language used for clear text description |
R |
The ISO code of the language which is used to describe the item in clear text. |
Line item allowance and charge monetary amount |
O |
The total monetary amount of all allowances and charges which apply to the line item. It is calculated as follows for each line item: sum of all allowance monetary amounts - sum of all charge montery amounts. |
In order to avoid rounding differences. Manadatory for gross calculation. |
Line item net monetary amount |
R |
The total line item net monetary amount. |
The net amount is calculated as follows: (invoiced quantity x unit gross price) - total line item allowance monetary amount + total line item charge monetary amount OR invoiced quantity x unit net price OR invoiced quantity x unit net price/unit price basis quantity. |
R |
Indication of the function of the invoice, e.g. Original, Duplicate etc. Duplicate can be used to retransmit a complete interchange to the same partner on request of the receiver. Only date and time can be different from the original file. The use of this code and the handling of additional documents must be mutually agreed between the partners. Original - An indication to the receiver that this invoice is an original invoice, i.e., not a replacement or duplicate. |
Monetary amount of allowance or charge |
O |
This entity is used to specify any monetary discounts or charges. |
Monetary amount of allowance or charge (line) |
O |
This entity is used to specify any monetary discounts or charges on line level. |
Net Price/ price per unit |
D |
If as a result of a specific sales agreement/contact/catalogue, item allowances and charges are included in the unit price. |
Not subject to discount (line) |
D |
The item concerned is not applicable for discount calculation. |
R |
TAX rate applicable on line level when other than VAT. |
Other tax rate (Summary level) |
TAX rate applicable on summary level when other than VAT. |
O |
Other type of tax different from VAT; environmental, tobacco, alcohol, etc. |
Other taxable amount per category |
D |
The total taxable amount of a non VAT tax by rate and tax type. |
O |
The value of the amount of the payment discount. A payment discount is an allowance which applies if the invoice is paid within a specified period of time or before a specified deadline. The allowance applies to the total invoice amount due. |
Deducted in the invoice for calculating VAT. |
Payment discount percentage |
O |
The value of the percentage of the payment discount. A payment discount is an allowance which applies if the invoice is paid within a specified period of time or before a specified deadline. The allowance applies to the total invoice amount due. |
Deducted in the invoice for calculating VAT. |
Payment due period after invoice date |
O |
Payment of the invoice total amount is due within the specified period. The start date of the period is the invoice document date. E.g. 30 days after invoice document date. |
Payment due period after reference date |
O |
Payment of the invoice total amount is due within the specified period. The start date of the period is the payment due reference date. E.g. 30 days after reference date. |
Payment due reference date |
O |
Start date of the payment due period if it differs from the invoice document date. |
O |
Latest date on which funds should have reached the account receivable. |
O |
The value of the amount of the payment penalty. A payment penalty is a charge to be paid if the invoice is paid after the payment due date. |
Payment Terms discount due date |
O |
Date by which payment should be made if discount terms are to apply. |
Percentage of allowance or charge |
O |
This entity is used to specify any percentage discounts or charges. |
Percentage of allowance or charge (line) |
O |
This entity is used to specify any percentage discounts or charges on line level. |
Pick-up/collection date/time |
D |
Date/time when the goods/services are picked up. |
Quantity of allowance or charge |
O |
This entity is used to specify any quantity discounts or charges. |
Quantity of allowance or charge (line) |
O |
This entity is used to specify any quantity discounts or charges on line level. |
Rate of allowance or charge |
O |
This entity is used to specify rate discounts or charges. |
Used to identify the monetary value |
Rate of allowance or charge (line) |
O |
This entity is used to specify rate discounts or charges on line level. |
O |
The conversion rate that is applied to the reference currency (Invoice currency) to convert amount into the target currency (VAT currency or payment currency). |
Reference to delivery note number |
D |
A delivery note reference number. A delivery note is a paper document which comes with the goods. |
Reference to order number |
R |
Reference to previous invoice number |
D |
An invoice reference number. The invoice being refered to is a previously sent invoice which is to be corrected or credited. |
D |
A price list reference number. A price list is a list of article information. For each GTIN is article information such as article description, logistical information, price information. |
Dependent upon Business circumstance |
It is used when more than one price list is applicable within a period of contract. |
Reference to sales agreement/contract |
D |
A sales agreement or contract or catalogue reference number. |
The sales agreement or the contract list all item allowances and charges. |
O |
Indication of the suggested retail price. |
Supplier’s additional identification |
O |
A code providing an additional identification of the supplier. |
It is used when the GLN is not sufficient and can specify an agreed additional identification. |
Supplier’s article number (additional identification) |
O |
Identity assigned to an article by the supplier of that article. |
Supplier’s name and address |
R |
Name of party in clear text which provides service(s) and/or manufactures or otherwise has possession of goods, and consigns or makes them available in trade. |
Supplier’s VAT registration number |
R |
Unique number attributed by the competent fiscal authority to identify the supplier for all VAT related matters. |
The VAT registration number must be specified for intra-community and also in some countries for domestic deliveries. It must be mentioned unedited and begins with country prefix. |
D |
The actual tax category for items or services (Other than VAT). |
D |
Indication of the tax due date Date/time on which the supply of goods or of services was made or completed for tax purposes, or the date on which any payment on account (in advance of the issue of an invoice) was made, if ascertainable and if different from invoice issue date |
The need to declare the date for tax purposes depends upon whether it is different from the invoice issue date - if not, then invoice issue date will be taken to be synonimous with the tax date and this entity will not need to be declared |
Total allowances / charges amount per VAT rate |
O |
Total allowances / charges amount per VAT rate |
Total charges/allowances amount |
R |
Total sum of all charges and allowances. Used on summary level. |
O |
Total sum of all discounts |
Total invoice amount including VAT |
R |
The total monetary amount of the invoice, after deduction of all allowances and addition of all charges and taxes, and calculation of VAT. This is the amount due if no pre-payments occurred. |
Total of all line item amounts |
O |
Total amount of all invoice lines, excluding tax (net price x quantity). Used on summary level. |
Total of all line items amount per VAT rate |
O |
Sum of all line item amounts per VAT rate and category |
R |
The total amount of VAT due for the current invoice document |
O |
The total amount which is used to calculate the VAT tax to be paid for the current invoice document. |
If they are several tax rates in the invoice, the total VAT tax amount is the total of all VAT amounts per rate. Use in UK: Total taxable amount - excluding payment discount amount |
D |
The gross price is the price on which allowances, charges and taxes apply. It is listed in the catalogue or price list. It is transmitted in the document when no price agreements were previously made. All allowances and charges applied to the unit price must be detailed. |
O |
VAT amount in VAT currency (line) |
D |
The VAT amount in VAT currency |
VAT category ALC line level |
O |
The actual VAT category for allowances/charges. |
Indication of the VAT Type: Standard Rate, Exempt from tax, Outside scope of tax. |
VAT category heading section |
D |
The actual VAT category for items or services. |
Indication of the VAT Type: Standard Rate, Exempt from tax, Outside scope of tax. |
D |
The actual VAT category for items or services. |
Indication of the VAT Type: Standard Rate, Exempt from tax, Outside scope of tax. |
VAT category summary section |
O |
The actual VAT category for items or services. |
R |
The actual VAT rate for items or services. |
The VAT rate is specified in percent. Decimal characters must be used if applicable. |
O |
VAT rate applicable on ALC line level if different. |
D |
Vat rate applicable to all items, if not overwritten on line level |
VAT Taxable amount per VAT rate and VAT category |
R |
Total VAT taxable amount for the given VAT rate and VAT category. |
Required when basis for VAT. Also the taxable amount for items exempt from VAT must be specified. |
D |
VAT currency: Other currency different from the invoice currency in which the VAT amount according to the national law must be invoiced (Not used in Germany). Payment currency: Currency used for payment if different from invoice currency (Used only in Germany). |
Indication of the currency code according to ISO 4217 three alpha code (see code list of DE 6345). Example: |